With advances in orthodontic treatment comes the ability to help children earlier in life with their orthodontic problems. In doing this, there is a much higher chance of your child needing less extensive treatment later on in life. Early treatment, which is often referred to as Phase One, often begins at age eight. If your child’s orthodontist sees certain issues, particularly in the jaw or bite, he or she may recommend utilizing early treatment.
Causes of Early Orthodontic Problems
There are a multitude of factors that contribute to your child needing orthodontic care. Problems that we treat include crowding, protrusion/overjet, spacing issues, and more. These problems can stem from genetics to bad habits, such as sucking their thumb. Injuries that children sustain on the playground can also require orthodontic care.
While early treatment may seem too early at times, it truly is about early prevention. Due to a child’s jaw still growing, it is easier to make changes now and be proactive about your child’s orthodontia care.
Why Early Treatment?
As a parent, you do not want to have your child go through unnecessary dental work. At Oakbrook Orthodontics, we only recommend children to start with Phase One when we know that it will truly help. Patients that have benefitted from early treatment are able to have greater jaw and bite function and are in less pain. In addition, they often are saved from going through painful tooth extractions or surgery.
We are able to utilize this early treatment because your child’s jaw and mouth is still growing. If you notice that your child is experiencing any of the following, schedule an appointment with an orthodontist.
- Difficulty with chewing or biting
- Speech impediments
- Particularly bad spacing, protruding, or bite
- Abnormal crowding-especially near the front teeth
- Thumb sucking after age five
- Losing baby teeth before age five or still losing them as a teenager
Oakbrook Orthodontics and Early Prevention
Your child ought to be seeing the dentist once every six months. Once he or she is around seven years old, your dentist will begin to look for signs that they may need orthodontia work. If your dentist does recommend this, schedule an appointment with us at Oakbrook Orthodontics. We understand that braces and other orthodontia work can be overwhelming for children, and make sure they feel comfortable. We know that, depending on the problem presented, taking advantage of early treatment may be the best course of action for you and your child.